Image Credits Circling:

Circling Geometries #1: the moebius strip; google image search, (Copy right holder could not be found)

Lygia Clark, Caminhandos (1963); found on

Demo on on the Leipzig Ring Road, October 1989; Bundesarchiv-Bildarchiv, Bild 183-1989-1023-022, Photographer: Friedrich Gahlbeck

Woman facing a water cannon in Vali Asr Circle, Tehran, 2022; found on

Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub, Trop tôt, trop tard (1982); video excerpt,

An image of the Polish Round Table (1989) in Eyal Weizman, The Roundabout Revolutions (Sternberg Press, 2015)

Book cover Eyal Weizman, The Roundabout Revolutions (Sternberg Press, 2015)

A page from Philipp Goll "Der wundertätige Tisch"; Published in: Kultur & Gespenster, Nr. 16 (2015)

Hans Modrow and Christa Luft Round Table used during the meeting of the East and West German governments in Bonn, Feb 13 1990; found at

Cable Reel, google image search, (Copy right holder could not be found)

Circling Geometries #2: diameter vs. circumference; found on

Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub, Trop tôt, trop tard (1982); film still

Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub, Trop tôt, trop tard (1982); film still    

Protests at the Bischofferode salt mines, Thuringia, 1993; google image search, (Copy right holder could not be found)

Circling Geometries #3: the infinity sign; google image search (Copy right holder could not be found)

Infinity sign tattoo; google image search (Copy right holder could not be found)

Jasmin İhraç, On Speeches (2014); video,

A protestor spins around herself, Iran, September 2022; Videostill from video by twitter user @AlirezaNader

Circling Geometries #4: the spiral; google image search (Copy right holder could not be found)

Detail from Simon Forti, Zero, found on

Hypnotising circle dance by Sufi Zikr, video,

Sundial, Val Badia, Dolomiten, Südtirol,

Ronda de las Madres de Plaza de mayo alrededor de la pirámide, 1981; Archivo General de la Nación Argentina, AGN_DDF/ Caja: 3099, inv: 348581.

Protest of the Madres de Plaza de mayo; google image search (the image is used on websites and on twitter, copy right holder not found)

Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty (1970); google image search (the image is used on multiple websites and on twitter, copy right holder not found)

Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty (film, 1970), film still

Still from Sandra Schäfer “On the se of 1978 ff”, video installation, 2011

Tahrir Cinema/Mosireen, Cairo, 2011; found on

Dancing around a bonfire in Bandar Abbas, Iran 2022; found on

Isadora Duncan, Revolutionary Etude (1921); performed by Lori Belilove, Artistic Director of The Isadora Duncan Dance Company, video,

Edmund Pemberton’s notation of Caverley’s Slow Minuet; found at

Circling Geometries #5: from circle to spring, round wire single coin spring; google image search (Copy right holder could not be found)

Banners from the 1989/90 protests at Stadtmuseum Dresden; Bundesarchiv-Bildarchiv, Bild 183-1989-1125-001, Photographer: Matthias Hickel

Circling Geometries #6: the physics of compression; Close Coiled Helical Springs – Axial Load, found at

Berlin, former Palace of the Republic, July 1991; Bundesarchiv-Bildarchiv, Bild-F088837-0004, Photographer: Joachim F. Thun

Circling Geometries #6: the physics of compression; found on Research Gate, uploaded by Amir H. Alavi,

Protests on the planet from 1979 to 1990, video,